Tat-Tat, Recycled Flatscreen Soap Dishes, Binar/Binary, Soap, Brigitta and Benedikt Martig-Imhof,
Tat-Tat, Recycled Flatscreen Soap Dishes, Wabe/Honey Comb, Soap,
Tat-Tat, Recycled Flatscreen Soap Dishes, Soap,
Tat-Tat, Recycled Flatscreen Soap Dishes, Soap,

Tat-Tat - Recycled Flatscreen Soap Dishes

Sale price$28.00
SKU: TT-344245

These unique soap dishes are made of recycled acrylic glass from flat screens dismantled by Dock/Gruppe team at the Solenthaler Recycling facility in St. Gallen, Switzerland. Several thousand tons of electronic waste are dismantled at the facility annually, Tät-Tat has re-imagined and re-purposed this typically discarded material.

&tradition lighting, flowerpot, Verner Panton,


Tät-Tat, founded in 1994 near Zurich, produces playful design items that charm the eye and delight the mind. The husband and wife design team—Benedikt and Brigitta Martig-Imhof — are former teachers who work hand in hand with social work programs and institutions throughout Switzerland and Germany.