Stefan Diez

Before founding his own design studio DIEZ OFFICE in January 2003, Diez worked for Richard Sapper and then Konstantin Grcic. Since then, he has worked in various fields of design ranging from furniture and tableware to industrial design, as well as exhibition design for companies like Brunner, e15, Gandiablasco, HAY, Herman Miller, Magis, Midgard, Moroso, Rosenthal, Thonet, Vibia, Wilkhahn, Wagner and others.

Stefan Diez

He considers "circular design" to be a key principle of his product design philosophy and "his products put forward a sustainable approach that combines multiplicity of use with superior durability". In fact, his AYNO lamp, designed for Midgard, received the 2021 German Sustainability Award.


Stefan Diez

"In our linear economy, value is created based on the consumption of materials. Our resources, however, are finite – to continue on our present trajectory is unsustainable, both environmentally and economically.

In a circular economy, value is decoupled from material consumption, with our resources kept in a cycle of reuse, recycling and remanufacture. Although there is no alternative but to shift to a circular economy, its implementation poses considerable challenges for society – as well as unique opportunities.

Shaping the transition to a circular economy is one of the major issues facing our generation, with designers set to play a key role." - Stefan Diez

Stefan Diez

Stefan Diez

Stefan Diez

Many of his products have received international design awards, including the “Designpreis der Bundesrepublik Deutschland”, the “IF Gold award”, and the "Red Dot: Best of the Best". Diez currently is the Head of Industrial Design at the University of Applied Arts Vienna.

Stefan Diez

Stefan Diez

Stefan Diez



Further reading Circular Design Guidelines 

View AYNO Collection - design by Stefan Diez for Midgard

Stefan Diez AYNO