Master Shin's Anvil Traditional korean Blackmith techniques

Master Shin's Anvil

Anseong is a South Korean city known for its brass, stone and iron implements, as well as a famous market of traditional craft and trade. The Shin Blacksmith was established there in 1845, today in the 5th generation of the family and the oldest blacksmith in Korea.

Behind the Scenes

Traditional Korean Blacksmithing

Master Shin In-Young produces the best handmade knives and farming tools in Korea and was named by the Gyeonggi Province as an Intangible Cultural Heritage Treasure in 2016.


17 products
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#57 Bread Knife
Sale price$310.00
#58 Paring Knife, small
Sale price$190.00
#59 Paring Knife, large
Sale price$170.00
#60 Kitchen Knife, small
Sale price$150.00
#61 Sashimi Knife
Sale price$240.00
#62 Kitchen Knife, medium
Sale price$210.00
#63 Vegetable Knife
Sale price$210.00
Large Chef's Knife
Sale price$300.00
#64 Weeding Hoe, small
Sale price$70.00
#65 Weeding Hoe, large
Sale price$80.00
#66 Sickle
Sale price$160.00
#67 Sickle
Sale price$140.00
#68 Winged Hoe
Sale price$150.00
#69 Hand Trowel
Sale price$170.00
#70 Hand Cultivator 3-Tine
Sale price$175.00
#71 Hand Fork
Sale price$170.00
Carving Set
Sale price$620.00
Master Shin's Anvil Traditional korean Blackmith techniques